Aerial photos 11th August 1982

The aerial photos on this page already have "historical character" as they were taken in 1982, since then the glacier has receded considerably.

Gornergletscher, Breithorn
Castor, Pollux and Breithorn; Grenzgletscher (far left), Schwärzegletscher (centre) and Breithorngletscher (right) form Gornergletscher (bottom). Ogives can clearly be seen in front of the dark, ice-free terrain (Schwärze) on the lower left.
Gornergletscher, Gornersee
The confluence of Gornergletscher (lower left) with Grenzgletscher (upper left) forms the ice tounge, also called Gornergletscher. On the left Gornersee with icebergs.
Gornergletscher, Gornersee
Approximately the same area as in the previous photo but from further east. On this day, 11th August 1982, Gornersee is still full. At the beginning of the 21st century drainage usually happens much earlier, at the end of June or early in July.
Gornergletscher, Gornersee
Enlarged section from the previous photo. Freshly calved icebergs are clearly visible. The lake surface of Gornersee is nearly as high as the tarn on the left (compare photos from 2004). On the upper left Monte Rosa Hütte.
Gornergletscher, Unterer Theodulgletsscher
Triftjigletscher (left, below the summit of Breithorn) and Unterer Theodulgletscher (right). Little Ice Age moraine is prominent on the left, and a clear trimline also dating from the Little Ice Age, is visible on the right.
Gornergletscher, tongue
Lowest parts of the tonges of Gornergletscher and Unterer Theodulgletscher (upper right), which in 1982 still joined Gornergletscher.
Matterhorn from the northeast; on its right (from left to right) Dent d'Hérens, Mont Blanc and Grand Combin. Below left of the Matterhorn part of Furgggletscher, on the lower right Matterhorngletscher.
Gornergletscher, Obergabelhorn
View over Obergabelhorn (below right, with two climbing parties on the icewall) and Wellenkuppe (lower left), looking towards Findelengletscher (far left) and Gornergletscher (far right) with Monte Rosa and Lyskamm.
Fotos Jürg Alean