Patchett, Ann: *1963
Bel Canto, 2001 - Information about the Book
- General Information
- Bel Canto is a novel about a group of high-profile politicians and an opera singer who are taken hostage by terrorists at a party in an unnamed South American country, and how the presence of opera transforms the hostage situation into an exploration of human emotions and relationships. (AI creation)
- Information from Wikipedia
- Information from Britannica
- Patchett has described her deep admiration for opera and its transformative power, which allowed her to depict Roxane’s artistry and its emotional impact with authenticity.
Growing up as the daughter of a nurse, Patchett developed an acute awareness of human relationships and care. In "Bel Canto," the relationships between captors and hostages evolve into bonds of mutual understanding and even love, reflecting Patchett’s interest in how people connect in extraordinary circumstances.
In interviews, Patchett has noted that she is drawn to stories where the mundane intersects with the extraordinary. This narrative thread runs through Bel Canto, where hostages and captors settle into routines during their prolonged confinement.
The inclusion of music as a transformative force reflects Patchett’s interest in art’s ability to unite people.
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- Facts
Some of the most notable ones are:
Orange Prize for Fiction (now known as the Women's Prize for Fiction): "Bel Canto" won this award in 2002, recognizing outstanding fiction written in English by women.Pen/Faulkner Award for Fiction: The novel was a finalist for this award in 2002, which celebrates the best works of fiction by American authors.
National Book Critics Circle Award: "Bel Canto" was also a finalist for this award in 2001, which honors outstanding writing and promotes the highest standards of literary criticism.
International Dublin Literary Award: Formerly known as the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, "Bel Canto" was shortlisted for this prestigious prize in 2003. This award recognizes excellence in world literature.
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- Love and Passion in the Face of Death
The characters in "Bel Canto" find themselves facing death and suffering, which makes them love and live more passionately. Hosokawa's love for opera grew from his difficult life after WWII. The hostages and terrorists form deep bonds and even fall in love, despite the uncertainty of their situation. Patchett suggests that the threat of death sharpens the characters' appreciation for beauty and art.The Power of Music
Music, especially opera, is a central theme in "Bel Canto."" The operatic term "bel canto" literally means "beautiful singing" and is a unifying force throughout the story. Roxanne Coss's singing captivates the hostages and terrorists alike, and music helps transcend cultural boundaries between the characters. Patchett explores how music can be transformative, even in the most difficult circumstances.Cultural Differences and Stereotypes
The novel brings together a diverse group of characters from different cultures and backgrounds. While it shows how music can bridge cultural divides, some critics argue that "Bel Canto" also perpetuates certain stereotypes about Indigenous peoples and Latin Americans. The portrayal of the Latin American terrorists has been criticized as relying on clichés and promoting a simplistic "good vs. bad" view of the world.The Unpredictability of Fate
"Bel Canto" suggests that people are at the mercy of forces beyond their control. The characters find themselves in a hostage situation not of their own making, and their fates are ultimately determined by factors outside their influence. The novel explores how people cope with the uncertainty of their circumstances.In summary, "Bel Canto" is a complex novel that examines the transformative power of art, the depth of human connection, and the unpredictability of fate, while also grappling with issues of cultural representation and stereotyping.
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- What is bel canto? Bel canto literally translates to “beautiful singing.”
- Podcast
What is Bel Cano? - "Bel Canto" has been generally well-received by critics and readers alike. It is praised for its lyrical prose, complex character development, and exploration of themes such as art, love, and the shared human experience.
Critics have commended Patchett for her beautiful and evocative writing style. The novel’s prose is often described as lyrical and poetic, which aligns well with its central theme of opera and music.
Reviewers appreciate the depth and complexity of the characters. Patchett is praised for her ability to create multi-dimensional characters who evolve throughout the story.
A few readers feel that the novel’s pacing can be slow at times, particularly in the middle sections. Some find certain aspects of the plot, especially the romance elements, to be somewhat implausible.
"Bel Canto" has made a significant impact in the literary world, both for its artistic merits and its emotional resonance. It remains a popular and respected work, often recommended for its thoughtful and beautifully crafted narrative. The novel has also been adapted into an opera and a film, further extending its influence and reach.
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- Reader Rating:
- Author
- Audio (5:55)
Susan Stamberg talks to soprano Renée Fleming and novelist Ann Patchett about the relationship between musical inspiration and the literary imagination. NPR Radio; April 29, 2002 - Ann Patchett talks about the publication of "Bel Canto," her late editor Robert Jones, and what writers really want.
- A Conversation with Ann Patchett and Lyric creative consultant Renée Fleming about transforming a best-selling novel into an opera.
- Ann Patchett on the Music of "Bel Canto". Nashville Classical Radio; September 17, 2018
- TranscriptKara McLeland: This book was published back in 2001, but for our listeners who maybe haven’t had the chance to read it yet, I was wondering if you could give us your elevator pitch summary of what it’s all about.
Ann Patchett: You know, the nice thing about talking about a book that was published that long ago is you get your elevator pitch down pretty cold. So, this is book that takes place in the Japanese Embassy in Lima, Peru, and it’s a party that’s being put on for a very wealthy and important and powerful Japanese businessman. And they bring in a world-famous soprano named Roxanne Coss—the businessman’s name is Katsumi Hosokawa— and while the party is going on, they are taken over by terrorists, who are trying to protest the treatment of prisoners in the prison system in Peru, and they are completely isolated for months. And what happens over the course of that time is the people who are the hostages and the people who are the hostage-takers move closer and closer together, and a lot of this is facilitated through music and the singing of Roxane Coss, because there is not common language- there are people from all over the world at this party.
KM: Right, and I know that’s something that will really interest music lovers, is the fact that music, and opera in particular, are really at the heart of this book. How did you decide that your heroine should be a world-famous opera singer?
AP: Well, it is very, very loosely based on a real event, and in the real event, all the women were set free right away. And in my book many of the guests are set free. But I thought, ok, they’re gonna keep one woman, so why would they chose this one person? And I decided that because she was the most important woman at the party, she had been brought in at great expense, and then I was thinking, is she a pianist? Is she a cellist? You know, what would she do? And I finally decided that she would be an opera singer because it would have a sense of the universal language. This book is largely about the suspension of language and communication, so there’s one genius translator, Gen Watanabe, who’s at the party, but he is completely overworked. So at first, everyone is trying to communicate through him, and then they try and communicate really through their love of art.
KM: You included an essay at the end of—at least my copy of—the book, where you talked about when you first started writing, you thought of opera as music that needed to be turned off. And you had to put in some good work to really get opera and to love opera, which I loved reading, because I think a lot of people share that experience. I was wondering what advice you have for someone who might think something can’t be that good if you have to work to love it.
AP: Oh my gosh, “welcome to being a grownup” I would say, because I think that’s true about just about everything. I mean, quite literally, you get out what you put in. And so while it can be great to go see a silly comedy or read a pulp fiction novel because you want to kick back and relax, if you want to have a deeper experience, it usually takes a little bit of effort, and that’s true for everything.
I always think about baseball, which I don’t understand baseball, and probably the longest afternoon of my life was spent at the single baseball game I ever went to when I was in college. But it was because I didn’t understand it, and if you don’t know who the players are, and if you don’t know how to score, and you don’t know the little subtle things are that are going on, you’re not going to enjoy it. People put in a lot of work because they are interested, and they learn the rules, and opera is definitely like that.
The thing that I found that made such a wonderful difference was a book by a guy named Fred Plotkin called Opera 101, which is easy to remember, and it really was like taking a class, it really explained how to listen to opera, and to sit down and read the libretto first, and then to listen to the whole opera while you’re reading the libretto again. I had never had that experience, where I would just sit down with a piece of music in my own home and listen to it. Music for me was always just something that was on in the background while I was doing something else, and it’s an amazing experience to just focus on a piece of music and really listen.
And also, I started going to the opera, and getting to see it was a lot of the joy for me, and it’s so wonderful because now we have these HD broadcasts in the theater, and we also have the wonderful Nashville Opera, which wasn’t around when I was working on this. And so if you can have a chance to actually see an opera, that’s great, but I would urge people not to just go in cold for the first time. I mean, set yourself up for success rather than failure. Do a little work in advance and it will really pay off.KM: There’s a film version of Bel Canto coming out in just a few weeks, and Julianne Moore plays Roxanne, but her singing voice is Renée Fleming. Did you hear Fleming’s voice, or a particular opera voice, as you were writing Roxanne?
AP: Well, it’s funny, Renée is a very close friend of mine, and when I was writing the book, I didn’t know anything about opera, and I listened to a lot of Maria Callas, because that was sort of the name that I knew. And I listened to Renée, but without really understanding who she was. I listened to a bunch of different sopranos, but I made some choices unwittingly in the character of Roxanne Coss, that were similar to Renée Fleming; the most important one being that her signature aria was Dvořák’s “Song to the Moon.” I had a friend who was a real opera buff in London, and I said to him, “give me an aria that will make me look super smart,” and he said “oh, Dvořák’s ‘Song to the Moon.’” Well the only person who sang that was Renée, and I didn’t even know that, I mean, that’s what a neophyte I was at the time. So when the book came out, a lot of people thought that it was about Renée, we were introduced, we wound up becoming very close friends, and now it’s funny because if I go to see Renée in an opera it will say in the playbill: and the character of Roxane Coss in Ann Patchett’s Bel Canto was based on her. It’s sort of this great joke, because at this point in our friendship I think oh, it probably was. I probably just subconsciously channeled her in some way.
KM: You create this really vivid impression of Roxanne’s voice, but the way that you do it, I found was really interesting because it’s largely through how the other characters respond to her performing. And I think that created this magic, and her voice becomes this—I felt like it was larger than life, and kind of her superpower. Did you think about how all that would translate when the story was adapted into an opera, and now into a movie, when Roxanne suddenly had a very real human voice, even if it is performed by Renée Fleming?
AP: Um, no, I mean I didn’t really think about any of that in advance. But what’s been very moving to me in the years that I’ve known Renée, and there’ve been times we’ve been out for breakfast at 8:00 in the morning or we’ve gone to a restaurant after an opera at midnight, and everywhere we go people come up to the table, and they’ll stop her on the street and they say “I was listening to you sing when my daughter was born,” “I was listening to you sing on my wedding day,” “I was listening to you sing when my father was dying,” “You were there at all the great moments in my life.” Again and again and again. I mean, she must hear this every single time she leaves her house, and she’s so gracious and beautiful and always really moved. I mean, she has an ability to genuinely connect with people, every time they stop her and tell her these stories, she’s so touched by them. But that’s what you want to get across— that this is the voice that represents the deepest, truest moments, most private, most in-your-own-soul moments of your life. Perfect example, a few days ago she sang “Danny Boy” at John McCain’s funeral, and it becomes literally the voice, the sound of how we are feeling at this moment of loss and pride and honor and love. And that’s what I was trying to get on paper. So Renée getting that by opening her mouth is much easier than me getting some proximity to it on paper.
KM: This next question has a huge spoiler alert attached to it, so if you have yet to finish the book, pause this, finish it, and come back. There is this sort-of tradition in 19th century opera of heroines dying on stage. You know, they commit suicide, or they go mad and they’re murdered, or they die of consumption, and you reference quite a few of these operas in the book. So as I was reading the first time, I was completely convinced that Roxane was gonna die, that she was going to jump in front of a bullet to save her lover or something because that’s what tradition demanded—
AP: Isn’t that interesting? I never once considered that, and no one has ever said that to me before.
KM: Oh my gosh.
AP: I mean, good on you, because that is a really smart point. I never thought of killing Roxane, because Roxane is just such a bulletproof character. You know, she is so tough, and so the leader. There’s nothing in my brain that can conceive of her dying. And just the fact that actually she is hurt, emotionally, but she grows enough and opens herself up enough to love and to experience pain- that to me seemed like the trajectory of her growth, not that she had to die for love.
KM: Now, when books are turned into movies, a lot of times you see authors as screenwriters, or producers, and I read that you were pretty hands-off when the book was adapted into an opera. Has this been the case as the film has been produced?
AP: Yes. And in fact, I haven’t seen it. I didn’t read the script, I didn’t go to the set, and I didn’t see the movie. And a lot of that is that I wrote the book a really long time ago and I have a huge amount of work that I’m doing, and it doesn’t make any sense to me to stop work that I’m doing now to go back to revisit work that I did a long time ago, and I wouldn’t have been adding anything to the process, either with the opera or with the film. This was something— I sold it, and they own it, and it’s going to happen without me, as it should be. So the idea of just going for fun to watch… not my idea of fun. I wish them well, I hope it does well, but it doesn’t really have anything to do with me at all.
KM: So you won’t be at the premiere, I’m taking it?
AP: I won’t be at the premiere, no. I’ll be at home typing.
KM: That’s good. Well, we’re glad for that, so we can get the next book. Ann, thank you so much for revisiting this beautiful book with us, and I hope that some our listeners who haven’t read it yet will read it, or go back and read it again. And maybe some people who are not so into opera will learn to fall in love with it.
AP: I hope so. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this, and it was a great pleasure.
- Transcript
- Podcast
Anne Patchett talks with James Naughtie from the BBC Bookclub about "Bel Canto." August 6, 2017 - Podcast
Anne Patchett answers questions about the novel.
- Audio (5:55)
- Commentary
- Ann Patchett’s "Bel Canto" is a poignant exploration of human connection set against the backdrop of a hostage crisis in an unnamed South American country. Inspired by the 1996-97 Lima Crisis, the novel begins with a glamorous birthday party for Japanese businessman Mr. Hosokawa, featuring opera singer Roxane Coss, which is abruptly interrupted by guerrillas seeking to capture the president, who is absent.
Over four months of captivity, hostages and terrorists form unexpected bonds. Music, particularly Roxane’s singing, becomes a unifying force, fostering love and camaraderie amidst fear. Relationships such as those between Hosokawa and Roxane, and Gen and Carmen, underscore the novel’s theme of transcending barriers. However, this fragile harmony collapses when government forces storm the mansion, killing all the terrorists and Hosokawa.
Patchett masterfully juxtaposes beauty and brutality, illustrating how art and love can flourish even in dire circumstances. The epilogue offers bittersweet closure, highlighting resilience and the enduring impact of shared humanity.
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- Reviews
- Book Review: ""Bel Canto" is a brilliant novel, even if I didn’t care for the ending." Novel Notions; May 26, 2020
- Book Review: "Overall, I liked Bel Canto. The writing is good and it is an interesting concept." Book Thoughts from Bed; February 10, 2020
- Explanations
- Analysis
- Symbols, Allegory and Motifs
- Danger arias: "Opera demands a tragic ending, and Bel Canto draws inexorably to a conclusion that neither captors nor captives foresee or desire." The Guardian; July 14, 2001
- Civilization and Barbarism Redux in Ann Patchett's Bel Canto. Jane Marcus-Delgado, Ph.D., College of Staten Island, City University of New York (pdf to download)
- When Ann Patchett became unrequired reading: "What happens to our education system, and to our freedom to read, if, and when, those decisions are hampered by fear?" blog
- The Representation of Music in Ann Patchett's Bel Canto: "What is certainly relevant is an element of anachronism and a backward-glancing search for stability and a reliable concept of culture." Vera Alexander, Aarhus University; Summer 2009
- The Translator's (In)visibility in Ann Patchett's "Bel Canto." Amy Dawn Glauser, Brigham Young University; Match 10, 2005
- Captive Audience: ""Bel Canto" often shows Patchett doing what she does best -- offering fine insights into the various ways in which human connections can be forged". James Polk, The New York Times; June 10, 2001
- How much does a house know?: "The book is best read as a compromised attempt to make people understand revolutionaries and expose the brutal killings of these people. It also is savagely ironic."
- Podcast
Discussion. Winnipeg Public Library - Podcast
A meditation on the healing and uniting power of art, specifically that of opera to bring people of completely different cultures and languages together to appreciate music at its finest. - Podcast
Ann Patchett weaves through the perspectives of the characters in this tightly set tale of unlikely compatriots, we see them each affected by the others, by music, by the disruption of their worlds.
- Annotated Edition
- This special edition, released in 2024, includes Patchett’s handwritten margin notes, which offer both complimentary and critical reflections on the original text. These annotations reveal patterns and small acknowledgments embedded in the novel that Patchett herself had not fully realized when she first wrote it. Through this annotated edition, Patchett shares her thoughts on what she loves about the original work, what she might change, and the experience of revisiting her own writing decades later:
On Annotating Her Award-Winning Novel "Bel Canto" Twenty Years Later. November 11, 2024
- Ann Patchett announces the new annotated edition
- A look into the annotated version (To view the version click on the X)
- Podcast
Patchett returns to "Bel Canto" with a new edition annotated by Patchett herself. She here talks about why she wanted to critique her own work. The discussion then shiftis to ideas of God and feeling comfortable being alone. 2024 - Podcast
Ann Patchett releases an annotated edition of "Bel Canto" and in it she rereads and notes her triumphs and mistakes on every page. 2024