Nicholls, David *1966

One Day, 2009 - Information about the Book

  • General Information
  • Facts
    • Awards: The novel received significant acclaim and several awards. Most notably, it won the Galaxy Book of the Year Award in 2010.

    • Emma Morley: The female protagonist, an intelligent and ambitious woman who dreams of becoming a writer. She is portrayed as down-to-earth and practical.

      Dexter Mayhew: The male protagonist, a charming but somewhat arrogant and privileged young man who struggles to find direction in life after university. He is portrayed as charismatic but also self-centered and immature.

      Sylvie: Emma's best friend from university.

      Alison Mayhew: Dexter's mother.

      Stephen Mayhew: Dexter's father.

      Ian: Dexter's friend from university.

      Callum: One of Dexter's friends.

      Tilly: Dexter's wife later in the story.

      Developed by Perplexity AI

    • Author How Nicolls chose the names of the characters. BBC; August 26, 2015

    • Loneliness and Human Connection
      The novel poignantly depicts the loneliness experienced by Emma and Dexter, despite their close friendship. Their inability to fully express their feelings for each other leaves them unfulfilled, highlighting the importance of human connection and love in overcoming loneliness.

      Fate and Timing
      The story unfolds on the same date (July 15th) each year, emphasizing the role of fate and timing in shaping relationships and life trajectories. The recurring date serves as a reminder of the fleeting nature of opportunities and the unpredictability of life's events.

      Character Development and Growth
      By revisiting Emma and Dexter annually, Nicholls skillfully portrays their personal growth and evolution over two decades. The characters grapple with societal expectations, unfulfilled ambitions, and the compromises life demands, allowing readers to witness their transformation and resilience.

      Love and Relationships
      At its core, "One Day" is a poignant exploration of love and the complexities of romantic relationships. The novel questions whether love alone is enough for happiness and examines the challenges couples face in sustaining a deep connection over time.

      Social Commentary
      Through Emma and Dexter's experiences, Nicholls provides insightful social commentary on various aspects of modern life, including gender roles, societal pressures, and the pursuit of success and fulfillment.

      By employing the innovative structure of revisiting the characters on the same date each year, Nicholls crafts a compelling narrative that resonates with readers on multiple levels, exploring profound themes of human existence with wit, honesty, and emotional depth.

      Developed by Perplexity AI

    • Reader Rating:
  • Articles
    • Comparison to the movie.
    • David Nicholls talks about love, friendship and the upcoming film adaption of "One Day". Plus three other author talks.
    • Telegraph