Topographic maps of the expedition area

Below are location maps, satellite images and, in rows 2 and 3, scanned sections of the map "Thompson Glacier Region, AxelHeiberg Island, N.W.T., Canada", original scale 1:50'000, produced by the Photogrammetric Research Section of the National Research Council of Canada, based on aerial photographs taken on July 28th and August 13th 1959. The grid width in the scanned images is 5 kilometres. Note that the images are large and will require scrolling.

Topographic maps of the expedition area
Relief map of Canada with Axel Heiberg Island labelled (The Atlas of Canada).
Topographic maps of the expedition area
Map of Nunavut, Canada (The Atlas of Canada).
Topographic maps of the expedition area
Aqua satellite image from July 22nd, 2008 (NASA Earth Observatory).
Topographic maps of the expedition area
Terra satellite image from August 29th, 2008 (NASA Earth Observatory).
Topographic maps of the expedition area
Crusoe Glacier, Baby Glacier and Bastion Ridge. The red square indicates the new basecamp.
Topographic maps of the expedition area
Baby, White and Thompson Glacier
Topographic maps of the expedition area
Thompson. Astro and Piper Glacier (in the map labelled, and formerly called, Wreck Glacier)
Topographic maps of the expedition area
Hidden Icefield
Topographic maps of the expedition area
Crusoe, Baby, White and Thompson Glacier
Topographic maps of the expedition area
Zebra Mountain, Phantom Peak and Phantom Lake